
Showing posts from November, 2020

Stop waiting for motivation and DO something

  None of it works unless YOU work. We have to do our part. If knowing is half the battle, action is the second half of the battle.” ―  Jim Kwik It's a problem everybody faces at some point, lack of motivation can derail progress in any area of life. I used to feel like I'd go weeks, or even months waiting on the motivation to start a new project.  I'd wait to start small household projects, personal projects, and countless little things needing attention.  And I'd continue waiting... Sure, sometimes I'd find some motivation to get some tasks going, but it felt hit or miss.  Sometimes I'd have the momentum to get on a roll, but it wasn't consistent.   Millions of people have this same issue, and some people, who I personally know,  are in a constant, almost paralyzing rut.   But, there are people who consistently find the motivation to consistently reach their goals, and stay motivated time and time again.  Authors write hundreds of books, entrepreneurs star