
Showing posts from December, 2020

Combat Control School- Hell Week

One of the most memorable experiences of Combat Control training was Hell Week.  Unlike the Navy SEAL Hell Week, it was officially called Introduction to Field Training, or IFT for short ( because the military loves acronyms).   For the purpose of this write up, I'm gonna refer to the week as Hell Week. Hell Week was at the beginning of Combat Control School or (CCS), which was one of the toughest schools of the pipeline, ( actually one of the toughest schools in the U.S. military) and to make it to this course, the trainee had already endured a year of intense training.   The week was  nicknamed Hell week because for five days and nights, ( in my experience) you get no sleep, not even a few minutes.   Maybe some guys could have gotten in a few minutes in, but I wasn't that lucky.  So, it wasn't uncommon to lose guys after a year of dedicated training. Hell Week was one of those events you heard about all through the training pipeline.  As a Combat Control trainee, our home