Combat Control School - Assault Zones through Graduation
Combat Control School PART 2 The struggle to obtain the scarlet beret My second time through Combat Control School ( CCS) started in September of 2006. The heat wasn't as bad as the middle of the summer, which was a major help for the course. I also knew what to expect; this made me dread going through the entire course all over again. Somehow, I got the motivation to make a second attempt of that brutal course. In order to understand what I'd already committed to in this course, be sure to check out this article on the first brutal selection week of Combat Control school and this article about how far I made it on my first attempt. I managed to get through the second attempt of CCS, and make it to the point I was dropped the first time. Although it was my second time through, and it wasn't as hot, I still had a couple of issues that nearly caused me to quit. Expectations The instructors expected a little more from me the second time through, although I felt I