
Showing posts from August, 2021

Air Force special warfare assessment and selection ( A&S) : 5 tips to get selected

  What is the Assessment and Selection? ( A&S) There has been a big change in the Air Force special warfare pipeline since I went through it.  There is now a phase in the beginning known as the assessment and selection, or A&S. You may have heard about this.  Gone are the days of a pipeline designed to build   you up before crushing you at Combat Control school.  Pararescue and Special Recon, or S&R ( formerly known as Combat Weather, are also seeing this major change.   Even the old Pararescue Indoctrination has gone away. The Combat Weather pipeline was pretty much just winging it.  They shared a lot of the combat control pipeline, but the pipeline order or location of schools could be vastly different from person to person. I've gotten questions about this new phase like: Do I think they've made it easier?  Did they change it around because females are allowed to enter the training?  What happens at A & S? I guess the only people that really know what happens

Deciding to join Air Force special warfare; consider the 10 year trend

Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Gilda Radner Should you try Air Force special warfare? If you are having a hard time deciding whether or not to give special warfare a shot, consider somethings I've learned about trying to plan out your life when you're young What we want now may not be what we want 10 years from now For people in their thirties, forties, and beyond, where they currently are, is not necessarily what they wanted be 10 years before. Sometimes we know what we want in our lives.  Actually, let me rephrase that.  Sometimes we think we know what we want.  We think we know what we want our careers to be.  We think we know what we want out of life and our futures. When I was younger, I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do with my life.  I looked at the people that had a plan with envy and feelings of inadequacy in my own life.    I realize now that we don'

How to increase physical and mental energy- small steps to meditating and being in the moment

  " A lion sleeps in the heart of every brave man" - Turkish proverb Focus your attention 100 percent, after that, take a break If you haven't heard already, Air Force special warfare training is long.  It could take nearly 2 years to get through the training; that's if you don't get injured or rolled back.  The old advise that's been around as long as the training itself is: take it one moment at a time.  Having as much mental and physical energy as possible is vital for success in elite levels of training, which is why we should live more like the elite. I been looking at how people at elite levels perform, and what caught me off guard is how they approach training or accomplishing tasks. Instead of going through their day constantly working, striving, and trying to reach the next level, they do short bursts of activity with breaks in between.  It's kind of how a lions live there lives.   Lions don't hunt all day long, work out, or stay  busy givin