
Showing posts from 2022

Weight training for Air Force special warfare

  Strength training in special warfare training While preparing for training, it's important to include a weight training routine into the standard calisthenics that you'll be doing.   The importance of weight training for enhancing your strength and reducing risk of injury is no secret, but it can be easily over looked in this type of training. The importance of endurance as the result of hundreds of repetitions is a huge part of the preparation when you begin the journey of transforming your body into a machine that never quits, but having the strength and muscle mass to handle all the added weight and demands on your body is critical. The goal and focus of weight training If you've read my other stuff, you know I didn't prepare the best for my own training.  Although I crushed a lot of the endurance workouts, I didn't focus on gaining strength or size at all.  I was fully prepared to train all day and night, while only carrying nothing on my body, but when the we

How to eat for Combat Control training

  Put a little thought into how you fuel your body for training Simplicity makes our lives easier. Whenever I share information, I hope it's simple, accurate, and easy to understand.  I want to cover something that I never thought about in training, which is how to eat properly for maximum performance and recovery. I had false expectations when I began training for this stuff because I had little knowledge about the importance of eating right.  I was young, like many of you are now and thought when I began running and doing lots of calisthenics that I'd become super lean and ripped.  That didn't happen, although I was a lot more trim and and had excellent endurance by the time I was done.  I had a little extra body fat, and a muscular frame and that was really good.  You don't want to show up to training ultra ripped anyway.  You wanna be strong and have high endurance. You wanna show up with some extra body fat on your frame. Ideally, you want to show up with strong mu

Different physical strengths in CCT training - What matters the most?

  What physical attributes are good for special warfare training? Focus on your strength concentrate on your weakness -Kannan Ravichandran Is there a certain body type that does well in this type of intense   training?  What kind of physical strengths do you need?  What should you focus on the most? These are some of the questions I want to expand upon in this article.   Before I entered training myself, I had this idea that all special forces men were lean and shredded because of all the physical activity. I imagined that they had a lot of muscle mass with perfect physiques; strong arms, thick legs, and big chests.  My view was that you went into training looking somewhat normal, fit of course, and then your body and mind transformed into hardened warriors at the end. It was just this naive picture I had of things back then. Although you you do make a transformation, probably leaner than you've ever been, but there is no certain look.  There are many shapes and sizes.   It doesn&#

Harnessing the power of dopamine from workouts

  The amazing power of Dopamine Exercise gave me the motivation and drive to actually enlist and and give combat control a shot.  I sat around for years trying to talk myself into doing it, but it wasn't until I started seriously working out that it actually came together.  Although I didn't understand at the time, my limited research and curiosity about dopamine and how it effects our bodies has given me some interesting insights.   I knew back then that exercise enhances our mood and and well being, but without proper understanding we cannot harness its powerful benefits, and we can certainly have too much.  Exercise enhances dopamine levels... a lot.  It raises it as much as powerful drugs like amphetamine and cocaine.  The effects of exercise can last for hours after the actual training if approached correctly.   It's time to tune up your dopamine levels for discipline.   The problem we face when raising dopamine levels is that so many things can raise our dopamine lev

What do air traffic controllers do in a tower?

Air Traffic Control Tower When you see an air traffic control tower, while looking out the window of your flight, that tall structure with the dark tinted windows at the top, you may wonder what the people inside it actually do.  You may have an  idea of what goes on up in the top of that thing.  You may think about people talking back and forth with pilots, shouting across the room, and keeping track of airplanes all of over the place. Sometimes that is the environment, but most of the time, when the day is routine, a tower cab is a relatively calm and relaxed environment, even at very busy facilities Sometimes, like many jobs, air traffic can moments of excitement, stress, and sometimes complete panic, although much of the time it's kind of boring. The stress of two planes coming together is not the type of stress I feel on a daily basis, it's another type of stress that is common with many other jobs.  Air traffic control can leave controllers feeling a prolonged, underlying

Living ordinary life more like a special operator

" I pretend everyday is BUD/s" -David Goggins I can't remember exactly what article or video I was watching when I came across this phrase by David Goggins.  I don't think it's one of his famous quotes; I haven't looked into it.  But this is a phrase that hit me because a short time before coming across this, I started writing on this blog, The main idea and theme was the same as the quote.   After I left the CCT, I continued to live like I was in some sort of special ops training program, just like I did before I joined the Air Force.  I continued to swim, run and do some sort of weight or calisthenic program.  Although I drifted occasionally from it, I always returned and stayed consistent. This simple mindset has kept me in shape for years, even with the most sedentary job you can imagine, an air traffic controller. I would call this a success because it's not easy to remain in really good shape, especially being married, and being a father of three.  L