
Showing posts from January, 2022

Living ordinary life more like a special operator

" I pretend everyday is BUD/s" -David Goggins I can't remember exactly what article or video I was watching when I came across this phrase by David Goggins.  I don't think it's one of his famous quotes; I haven't looked into it.  But this is a phrase that hit me because a short time before coming across this, I started writing on this blog, The main idea and theme was the same as the quote.   After I left the CCT, I continued to live like I was in some sort of special ops training program, just like I did before I joined the Air Force.  I continued to swim, run and do some sort of weight or calisthenic program.  Although I drifted occasionally from it, I always returned and stayed consistent. This simple mindset has kept me in shape for years, even with the most sedentary job you can imagine, an air traffic controller. I would call this a success because it's not easy to remain in really good shape, especially being married, and being a father of three.  L

My set backs in the CCT pipeline Part 1

  A few self inflicted problems for your enjoyment A few minor roadblocks as a CCT trainee With all the challenges people must face in special ops training, sometimes we're own worst enemies. Sometimes things happen beyond our own control; the core of any special operator's life. Sometimes we can get injured.  Sometimes we get in trouble.  And sometimes, we just  can't catch on to the fire hose of information that is forced down our throats every day. Yeah, this type of training is hard; so hard that it's an expectation most people don't make it through. Most people realize that part, but what they might not think about is life.  Life still happens in training just like it happens in the real world.   You know that stuff that happens that you don't plan for? When you're on your way to work and get a flat tire.  When all three of your kids are sick, you just worked all day, and your wife had plans to go out, so no free time for you?  I'm going off a bit,