
Showing posts from October, 2020

Knowing when to quit and move on

Strategic quitting is the secret of successful organizations      Seth Godin Never Quit! All my life I've been told not to quit.  Quitting means you are taking the easy road.   You can achieve anything, just never give up!  I have heard this so many times, it's second nature.  I don't question it.  I'm even guilty of judging others when they quit something.   It's been ingrained in my brain since birth.  The idea of quitting means I've failed.   For the people out there who are headstrong, the people who finish what they start, I'm writing this for us. The ability to never quit is an incredible gift.  To persevere when most people would just give up, seems to be a rare asset.  Actually, it is. It allows us to accomplish the impossible.  There is something I've been born with, which allows me to work harder than the ordinary person. When I want to do do something, I mean really want to do it, I give everything I have.  Everything else gets pus