
Showing posts from March, 2020

Lose body fat and keep lean muscle

When I was younger, I thought it was normal to gain body fat as I grew older.  I thought as I became an adult, I'd have the typical male gut, and my face would have an extra chin.  Unless I ran 50 miles a week, I was destined to get the average adult body. One of the reasons I joined the Air Force to become a combat controller , was my need to workout all the time.  One of the reasons I worked out all the time, especially run, was it made me look better.    I ran a lot.   Not a lot by professional runner's standards, but a lot compared to the normal population. The Air Force has a running preparation plan for future combat controllers and pararescuemen. It is like the BUD/S warning order ,  which builds  your running up quickly from a non runner, to running 30 miles per week.  It is designed to take a person who is not a runner, and prepare them for the insane amount of running in special warfare training. Back then, I thought 30 miles a week was a ton of running, b

Fasting: Life hack for mental focus and becoming lean

Fast like a warrior.  Create a lean physique, while increasing energy and focus Periodic fasting can help clear up the mind and strengthen the body and the spirit. Ezra Taft Benson We all want a shortcut, an easy way, to stay lean and trim, while still having a life.  We also search for supplements, or even drugs, to enhance our mental focus. We can always search the internet for a million ways to lose weight, or even result to illegal drug use. The bottom line is, you will have to make major sacrifices to have a life where you have peak mental focus and low levels of body fat. You either will be hungry all the time, or deal with the side effects of drug use.  Or, you will take supplements, waste your money, on things that do little to nothing for your mental focus. I have done tons of searching for supplements to enhance my focus. There are supplements out there, you can purchase legally, that will enhance your well being and focus. I have gotten lean by eating &q

Multi Task like an Air Traffic Controller

Multitask like an Air Traffic Controller When you think of multi tasking, air traffic controllers may come to mind.   The people responsible for separating multiple airplanes, answering phone lines, scanning radar screens and out the tower windows, must be good at multi tasking, right?  They must be able to focus on more than one thing at a time. What if I said a human cannot focus on two things which require our focus. What if I said nobody can  multitask .   I know what you are thinking: I multitask all the time!  If I didn't I'd never get anything done! As an air traffic controller myself, I believed I had to be awesome at multitasking.  I thought once I mastered the skill, I'd be an air traffic legend. The truth is, I am not multitasking.  Instead, I am moving quickly from one task to the other.  I can do something else while focusing on a task, but it has to be such a good habit ,I do it without having to think about it. A human can on

How to build genuine confidence

How to Build Genuine Confidence “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ―  Ralph Waldo Emerson How do people get so good at certain tasks?  How do people become really great at things that seem difficult?   Humans often complicate things, especially when we are adults.  We say things like, " I used to play piano, but I am not good anymore.  I don't have time." You see a great band or performer on stage and it looks easy.  They seem so confident, and they are barely even trying.   It looks that way because by the time you see them, they are on auto pilot.  They are just doing it again for the 1000th time.  At 1001, it is just another run. If you are like me, it's hard to become good at things you really do not care about, yet we spin our wheels trying to get good at things that don't matter. Is working hard on a  project at work, that you don't care much about, reall