Fasting: Life hack for mental focus and becoming lean

Fast like a warrior. 
Create a lean physique, while increasing energy and focus

Periodic fasting can help clear up the mind and strengthen the body and the spirit.

We all want a shortcut, an easy way, to stay lean and trim, while still having a life.  We also search for supplements, or even drugs, to enhance our mental focus.

We can always search the internet for a million ways to lose weight, or even result to illegal drug use.

The bottom line is, you will have to make major sacrifices to have a life where you have peak mental focus and low levels of body fat. You either will be hungry all the time, or deal with the side effects of drug use.  Or, you will take supplements, waste your money, on things that do little to nothing for your mental focus.

I have done tons of searching for supplements to enhance my focus. There are supplements out there, you can purchase legally, that will enhance your well being and focus.

I have gotten lean by eating "clean" .  I have also found some supplements to enhance focus and energy. Eating clean left me hungry and waiting for a day to eat everything I could get my hands on.  At the same time, supplements created small boosts of clarity, but sometimes leveled off.

The only way to lose weight and become lean is eating fewer calories than it takes to maintain your body weight in a given time frame.  So, eating clean helps because eating things like vegetables and lean meat, which are low in calories, helps you lower your calorie intake.  But this is hard to sustain for many reasons.

Our bodies have evolved to work on way less calories than we have access to in our modern society.  We have so much access to calorie dense food,that even carefully watching what you eat, can send you over your calories needed to survive.  Staying lean can be a huge burden, and leave people feeling left out of normal life.

At the same time, we are taught by society that we must wake up, eat something, eat something a few hours later, have lunch, and then have dinner that night.  The bodybuilding community even promotes eating every few hours to speed up your metabolism.  If you take time to research, you'll find this idea  is false.

Constantly eating can make you sluggish with brain fog, especially if you eat processed carbs.  We then search for a drug or supplement to increase our focus.  Unless you ingest some high grade, expensive drug, your options for lifting the fog are limited.  You're stuck with limited brain power, like most other people.

You don't need some secret idea or pill to lower body weight and enhance focus.

There is always someone who will take advantage of our search for these goals.  Without looking far, you will find someone to sell you a drug, supplement, or secret to losing weight.

Intermittent fasting is  lifestyle change, not a diet.  It is a simple effective way to improve your life.  You simply go periods of time without eating.  You have a set eating window like 16 hours fasting and an 8 hour eating window.  This tactic is popular now in the fasting community.  If you do this strategy you could start you eating around noon and end at 8 p.m.  You could eat early, then stop later.  The beauty of fasting is it's simplicity.

I prefer one meal a day, so I usually only have a 3 hour eating window, and the rest is fasting.  An 8 hour window still leaves too much time for over eating, and I now enjoy the feeling of fasting.  I am addicted to it.

As I have stated in previous articles, humans, especially adults, complicate many things.  There is an easy way to achieve stunning states of focus, and dramatic weight loss.  Even as an adult in your 40's, 50's, 60's and beyond, simple tactics working with your body's naturally evolved way of living, that will drastically improve everything.

I know intermittent fasting has become popular in recent years.  It seems like another weight loss fad that will be gone in a few years.  But there are tons of benefits we are discovering.

If you have never tried fasting, I want to introduce a new way of life for you.  This is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix for losing weight and becoming more focused.  By doing what true warriors did thousands of years ago, the roadblock to physical and mental success in within your reach.

Studies show in order to lose weight and keep it off, you must create a lifestyle around reducing calories and eating well.  With fasting, you can still have huge meals eating foods you enjoy, but the window for eating is small.  If you create a small enough window, it will be difficult to go over you daily calorie requirements.

While you are fasting, your insulin levels will be low.  You will start using body fat for fuel .  Your brain works way better off the ketones your liver produces than off glucose, the fuel your body uses when insulin is spiked.  Ketones may even help keep your brain healthier

The only way to use ketones is to keep your insulin level low.  A very low carb diet can accomplish this, but I love carbs way too much, and feel better eating them.

Once you become used to fasting, you will experience steady energy levels throughout the day.  Without the highs and lows of eating, spiking insulin levels, and the mid afternoon crashes associated with eating all the time, you will become a focused and lean warrior.

When you give your body a break from digesting food and having high insulin levels all the time, your body will have a chance to repair itself.

Something amazing happens in a fasted state.  Your body has a chance to go into repair mode.

Detoxifying your body , DNA repair, and even delayed aging can result from fasting.  Some studies show even reducing the risk of cancer and brain related diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease.  You can also reduce inflammation in your body by allowing yourself to go into repair mode, instead of constantly eating and digesting food.

One huge benefit of fasting is not being hungry all the time.

Once you are into the afternoon, or the next day on longer fasts, you will not feel hungry at all.  You will not feel the urge to eat.  You can have black coffee, which is awesome combined with fasting, water, or sparkling water.  Stay away from anything with calories, and yo will find your hunger disappears as you journey into your fasted state.

If you are like me, once you eat, you become hungry and think about food.  The only real way to stop this deep ingrained biological urge, is to stuff your face.  Years ago, people did not know when their next meal would be, so eating all they could when food was available is a survival instinct that YOU will be fighting if you try to suppress the desire to eat.

10 years ago, I tried to get lean.  I did the bodybuilding way, eating 6 or 7 very small meals a day.  The results started happening, but after my small breakfast of clean food, I could not wait for the next meal.  I would fantasize about a large pizza or big bowl of ice cream because I was teasing my body.

One day a week, I was allowed a cheat day.  I thought about the day all week long, and when the day finally came, I stuffed my face in a frantic binge because I knew I would be restricted in the upcoming week.

The following day I often had a food hangover with intense cravings.

This is no way to live.  But this was the mainstream way of thinking.  This works for bodybuilders, but they practice extreme dedication and willpower.  It is a full time job.  It is an incredible accomplishment to live that way, but I don't want to.  If you have a busy life, you may not want to either.

I had to turn down beer, dinner, and events with my friends.  I was getting lean, but it was a huge sacrifice.

I want to introduce a new sacrifice.  It will not be hard once you adjust.

The new sacrifice, is to forget eating until the end of the day.  Focus on your life, while not falling into the trap of making you whole day about what and when to eat.  That's it.

Intermittent fasting is a strategy that has become popular currently.  We have learned through studies, thanks to the internet, your muscle and body does not shrink away if you miss a meal.  Even if you miss two days of eating you can still retain muscle.  In fact, fasting promotes muscle growth.

I want to expose a way to take it a bit further.  Eating one meal a day like ancient warriors and cultures, attacking life, while not even having to think about eating.  This creates freedom, taking away meal planning, and not thinking about food.

Once you give it a few weeks, you will find your focus during the day sky rockets, along with your mental focus.  I feel like I am on a focus drug, with only positive benefits.  I enjoy it so much, I go on 2 or 3 day fasts.  The only downside, is at first, I was so energized I could not sleep.  In the first few weeks of trying this out, you experience hunger, because of hormones, during the normal times you ate.  If you ride that out, you will be less hungry than before.  By evening, I can go without eating if I want to.

When I eat, I eat lots of high fat meat, avocados, potatoes, and even ice cream.  I get to stuff my face without the worry of portion control.

I eat what I like, but I get leaner and leaner.  I make sure I take time to eat with my family when I can.  I have a feast with them, and even enjoy beer.

If you want to get more advanced, I will explain making sure you still create a deficit everyday, or use two day fasts for rapid weight loss.

You don't have to do massive amounts of cardio or eat like a bird to have a powerful lean physique.

Use your body the way it was intended, go against the norm, and become a warrior in your life.

You can use bigger eating windows to get started.  Skipping breakfast and eating around noon or later is a good start.  Your body will adapt, and you will feel like you've never felt before.

If you make it a goal to make fasting a part of your life, getting to a point of eating one meal a day, you will find your days full of energy and focus.  Your body will have a chance to repair DNA and regenerate itself.

With your new lifestyle, you will become leaner, more focused, and more in tune with your body.

This lifestyle is simple, effective, and best of all, you can start now with little planning.


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