
Showing posts from April, 2020

Staying busy is killing your success

"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities."  --Stephen Covey You are focused and determined everyday, accomplishing tasks and going down your to do list.  From morning until night, you stay busy barely having time to breathe.  Working 60 hours per week, driving the kids all over town to extracurricular activities, and always giving someone a helping hand, no matter who it is. You stay busy because you are successful and important.  You even brag when someone asks about your day. I am guilty of it, and you may be too.   I am so busy.  I always volunteer for extra jobs at work, my kids are in two soccer leagues, and I am even baking my boss a cake because I remembered his birthday. We get so busy in our daily lives, we barely notice there is no time left for our true passions or purpose.  We even pass this mindset along to children. The cycle continues. To operate you life on a higher level, you must take a s

Quit Apologizing for Everything

“Never apologize for showing your feelings. When you do, you are apologizing for the truth.” ―  José N. Harris,  MI VIDA: A Story of Faith, Hope and Love Taking action to step up and improve your life takes focus and determination.   Instead of falling into the trap of blindly following what other are doing, taking your own personal path takes dedication.  Taking action to follow your own values, despite what everyone else says or does, is gonna ruffle some feathers.  Instead of following what the other people are doing around you, like a flock of birds, leading from the front comes with making constant effort , sometimes standing alone.   If you want to be a leader, not just the title, you need to stop apologizing all the time Many people find themselves in positions of leadership, but make the mistake of apologizing for every decision made or action they take.   Lets face it.  We all make bad decisions, mistakes, or say the wrong things, all the time.  If you

The power of telling people NO

“If you want more time, freedom , and energy, start saying no.” Anonymous We all want to fit in. We all want to be liked. The feeling of not fitting in can be overwhelming because of our biological need to fit in.  To be a leader of your own life, you must get over your need to say yes to everyone and everything that comes your way. You may think this makes you a jerk, and the person who is selfish and always says no.   Saying no makes you a leader of your life, and not saying yes all the time, frees up valuable time to do things that are important to YOU.   By protecting time for yourself, time to focus on your life, your goals, your passions, you become a better person.  You become more happy, more fulfilled, and a leader for those around you. Being a person who takes time alone to  focus on what really ignites your soul will be an inspiration and motivator to those around you.   You can not become anything other than average by trying to please eve

High on Life: How to Start Running ( It's not that hard)

You see all the runners out there.  The crazy people that enjoy being out of breath and having joint pain.  Some people love it, but a lot of people hate it.  I never understood why someone would not enjoy running.  But then again, a lot of people are not like me.  I am the type of person who has so much energy, sometimes I do not know what to do with it.  So, I run. My joy of running started in my last couple of years of high school.  I had dreams of becoming a Navy SEAL or an Air Force Combat Controller.  In their training, they do massive amounts of running.  They also do a ton of swimming, but running was what injured most guys during training.  Their legs were not prepared for it, and they probably did not run enough to prepare for the demands of miles of running everyday. A lot of people hate running.  But why?  It feels so awesome. I think my love of running is from the intense high I get during and after my runs, but I have a solid base from years of running.  After the