
Showing posts from June, 2020

How to deal with anger ( Channeling into productive energy )

"If you feel like shit, everyone you hate wins. -Tyler Durden" Stay positive! Have some gratitude! Attitude is everything! How important is it? When you're angry and someone tries to get you in a better mood, you trying to stay positive doesn't always work. If you've ever tried learning how to incorporate personal growth into your life, you've probably ran across the idea about always being positive.  You shouldn't get angry, and if you do, you should quickly get out of your angry state into a more positive one. If you get angry, then there must be something wrong with you.  There are people walking around who never get angry because they are just so, uh positive all the time.   Sometimes the most positive people I knew were the biggest mess in their personal lives. If you really put some thought into it, you'd know everyone gets angry sometimes.  It's a common emotion we've had for a long time.   If you take some

Becoming more comfortable with conflict

   Conflicts are not comfortable, but it doesn't have to be something you dread and avoid. There are so many people who completely avoid conflict, toning themselves down because of the fear, but a  good leader is prepared for conflict and train to become more comfortable with it. In special operations training, we prepared ourselves for conflict, running drills constantly to prepare for it. The very nature of special ops missions puts individuals in scenarios where conflict could appear.  Don't fear this; you should embrace it. A special ops group does not go around looking for conflict, instead they are small units conducting missions under the radar.  On many missions, the enemy didn't even know they were there. The same is true for a good leader.  In a leadership role, you should not go out of your way to find conflict.  Your energy should be focused on your mission.  Many people will never understand your vision and goals.  This should not stop you.  Instead

10 things emotionally intelligent leaders do

Being a success in your life, no matter what it looks like to you, requires strategies, trial and error, and trying to know a little more today than you did the day before. There is no better investment than putting the effort into growing as a person so you can be better for those who matter the most in your life. With the vast amounts of information out there on this topic, there are a few key things I've noticed emotionally intelligent, successful people do.  People with these qualities also make hard hitting leaders in their environment. From reading books, blogs, and being fortunate enough to meet some of these people, here are 10 things I've noticed above average people do. Wake up early to accomplish important tasks Our lives tend to get busy during the day, leaving us little time to focus on the bigger picture.  If we're not careful, we get stuck staying  busy  and becoming more average. A good way to battle this challenge is to wake up a little ea

how leaders find direction and purpose

" The most powerful weapon on this Earth is the human soul on fire" - Ferdinand Foch If you've ever decided to accept a leadership position, willing to expose yourself to the haters and negative people, and putting your personality on full blast, you know it can get very difficult. At times, putting yourself in this position can feel uncertain and even lonely, but to accomplish great things, it comes with the territory. Standing on your own, going against the thoughts and feelings of everyone else, is challenging, but it's necessary if you have a vision and bird's eye view of the bigger picture.   The sad truth is: a lot of people, even in leadership positions, have the viewpoint of a person walking through a dense jungle at ground level without a compass, hacking away at the thick brush, but never going anywhere.   They fail to see the big picture because they fail to stop and tune out the noise of everyday interactions.  They don't even climb a t

Why personal and business relationships fail

" Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it'll always get you the right ones." John Lennon Real relationships are hard work, but they're worth it. Having close friendships, business partners, or being involved with a spouse, takes valuable time and commitment.  It's important to invest in these relationships, because without them, life loses it's colorful flavor and purpose. I am a stubborn person by nature, but I've learned slowly over time, an important relationship will not always be roses.  In fact, they can seem frustrating, and sometimes, not even worth the effort. We all know having a good relationship with anyone requires good communication.  If your like me ( a guy) communicating may not be your strong point, or it's something you have to work hard at.   Positive benefits of a real relationship  Sometime it seems I'm a slow learner, but when I finally get things, I really get it.    It's taken me a long t