How to deal with anger ( Channeling into productive energy )

"If you feel like shit, everyone you hate wins. -Tyler Durden"

Stay positive!

Have some gratitude!

Attitude is everything!

How important is it?

When you're angry and someone tries to get you in a better mood, you trying to stay positive doesn't always work.

If you've ever tried learning how to incorporate personal growth into your life, you've probably ran across the idea about always being positive.  You shouldn't get angry, and if you do, you should quickly get out of your angry state into a more positive one.

If you get angry, then there must be something wrong with you.  There are people walking around who never get angry because they are just so, uh positive all the time.  

Sometimes the most positive people I knew were the biggest mess in their personal lives.

If you really put some thought into it, you'd know everyone gets angry sometimes.  It's a common emotion we've had for a long time.  

If you take some time to read about anger, you'll find the countless articles, books, motivational speakers, and self help gurus who preach being happy all the time.

I'm here to call all that what it really is. Nonsense.

I am here typing this blog topic right now because I am a little angry.

You may be thinking, get yourself together man, life's too short to be angry! 

From the person practically attached to my vehicle riding my ass in the right lane when I'm going 10 mph over the speed limit, and then he gives me the finger. The entitled people I work with who are lazy, but they think the company owes them something. The people who lie to me, trying to take advantage of me, and on and on, anger emerges putting your body on high alert and defense.

These aren't big issues at all, but they raise my anger levels.  There are much worse things that happen to people, and unfortunately there are many people who have become complete selfish assholes.

There is nothing we can do about this, and it doesn't mean you won't become extremely angry at certain times.

We must accept the fact these people exist and have strategies in place to handle the strong emotion of anger,

If you look back, you'll know you've been angry; of course you have! You may even be angry right now.  There is nothing wrong with you; it makes you normal.  

 If someone tells you they never get mad, look out!  They are likely a ticking time bomb shoving down their true emotions.  

Even the happiest person you know, not the fake ones on social media, have times when they're upset, angry, and frustrated.

Our emotions run wild and free, but it doesn't mean we have to be ruled by them, making dumb decisions because we ride the wave of anger and frustration.

The difference in the average person, and one with a higher level of emotional intelligence, is the way anger is handled.

Since anger is inevitable and not magically erased with enough self help, how we deal with anger is crucial to success.  As leaders and people in search of elite levels of success, how we handle anger can make or break us.

So, right now I'm angry.  I could tell myself to be positive.  I could pull out a piece of paper and write down what I'm thankful for, or I could put a big, goofy grin on my face telling myself everything is cool.  

Or, I could accept I'm feeling what I feel.  

Accepting I'm angry doesn't mean I sit around wasting my time and energy feeling angry.  I could think about how I've been wronged and walk around and tell everyone who'll listen.  

I could waste my valuable mental energy being angry, or I can use the massive energy I feel from the anger and channel into into my goals.

Anger is a strong emotion.  When you get angry, you feel a rush of energy. If you aren't aware of your emotions, anger can mean derailment from your success.  It can stunt your personal growth.

The worst thing you can do is let your anger take control of you.  If someone makes you angry, you could deal with the conflict strategically, but you may still be left with angry feelings.

Sometimes people push your buttons and get under your skin.  Sometimes there is no way around it.  

If someone mistreats you or does something just to cause you distress ( I know this happens) their actions are their fault.  They will likely never own up being wrong, so don't waste your time trying to convince them.  Some people will never take an honest evaluation of themselves.  It's not worth you precious mental energy to dive into it.  It will only cause you stress anxiety depleting focus which could be used for your goals.

In the worst case scenario with someone who's sole motive is to purposefully wrong you, like stealing something, some kind of personal attack, or trying to derail your success, it's on you with how it's handled.  

Sometimes people are unreasonable and any form of conflict is useless.

When you are the victim of such acts, it's important to accept they may be wrong, but you have to take ownership of how you handle the anger.

Channeling feelings of anger into productive energy is an intelligent way to deal with this strong emotion.

The truth is, negative people are all around you. No matter where you go, or how positive you are, coming into contact with these people will happen.  Sometimes bad things happen to good people.

Instead of avoiding this fact, face reality and prepare for it.

Don't put your head in the sand.

When you get angry, don't be a victim.  There are plenty of victims around; they complain about people making them angry, or how they are wronged all the time.  These people are victims of life and refuse to take responsibility for their current situation.

Sometimes really bad things happen to us.  In these instances, having a close friend who listens and gives us encouragement is necessary.  This is very understandable.

There comes a time when it's time to dust yourself off and work on what you can control.

You may feel the need to get revenge on someone who made you a victim of their negative actions.  If you've ever taken the time and energy to plot a revenge and follow through, you've realized the positive feelings don't last long; you probably feel worse about the situation after some time passes.

Usually thoughts of revenge feel good, but actually taking the action to get revenge makes you feel worse.

When you have high energy levels, you can accomplish the important tasks in your life.  Having this kind of energy creates  intense focus, which is a goldmine for the big, ridiculous goals.  

We all should have a massive goals we reach for in our lives.  It's what keeps us going.  It's what gives us purpose.  If you strive to turn your anger into productive energy, the kind where you lose track of time and have intense, laser focus, you can accelerate your progress.  You can do the impossible.

We cannot accomplish extra ordinary achievements by letting anger control our lives.  

The best revenge on someone is channeling the energy you have from anger, and funnel it into your own personal goals.

Return your focus on what you can control.  This takes you from being a victim to a leader with elite focus.

Sometimes a person's intentions are to harm you in some way.  The sad reality is there are many people out there with bad intentions.  Even worse, there is nothing you can do to change them.

A disagreement, argument, or misunderstanding is one thing, but someone taking advantage of you intentionally is another.  People who mistreat you for no good reason is hard for us to accept, but we must accept and process these situations with an awareness higher than a default reaction

You can spend the rest of your life trying to get back or convince someone they are wrong, but you won't get anywhere.

The beauty of all this is you have complete control over your actions.  It is the other person's fault sometimes, but you have the control of your focus.

Remove these people from your mind and accept being angry.  It means you are human.  It means you aren't numbing your mind with a drug to mask the pain.

The time you have to make huge progress is short.  Use the powerful energy from anger to get closer to your version of success.  You can have the kind of revenge that feels good and rewarding.  

This takes practice.  Getting your brain out of the cycle of proving you're right and making bad emotional decisions that harm your life is never easy.  

The next time you feel angry, get to work on a challenging task, a project, brainstorming, or physical exercise.  Use it to propel your life and leave the negative people in the dust.

It's easy to play the victim. Challenge yourself to be an individual with elite focus.  Harness the power of anger and channel that energy into your personal goals.  


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